These piranhas will eat your flesh and will make a holes in your nice grind shirt haha!) So beware because today, I listened to the debut album from Spanish rebels EntröpiaH! So lets take a first look at this release.
Hmmm…. I guess the artist that made the cover art has a strange love of corpses on the sea bottom, ahaha... The front, back and guts of this CD layout are filled with lovely creepy pictures.
What I first noticed while listening to this album was the powerful old roots influence. I clearly feel an inspiration the band takes from Napalm Death, Terrorizer, Disrupt etc. Hmmm... I know that this band is pretty new but these old school influences transform this music in something old and authentic. They truly sound like some nasty grindcore band from 90s. Guitar and bass tone are really heavy and massive. They have tons of low frequencies and it`s truly good. I really don't know why but Spanish/Portuguese and Italian languages make grindcore sound even more wild and satanic, hahah! The yelling vocals are so violent and evil. Those drums are great too! They attack with a wide range of fast noisy and loud blast beats along with slow parts…. and I like especially a sound of china cymbal. This isn't intense perfection, this isn't original, but it's quite good and very strong and contains enough intensity to make my head shake!)
Rating: 8/10 EntropiaH bc EntropiaH fb
Buy this album HERE!