Gooood morning Spain! I finally found some time to write about Spanish hardcore scene and today I will talk about second album of Butrön band. Black like resin vinyl and gloomy art... these zombie buffalos really attract attention. Sometimes I am really amazed how people just with couple of brushes and colors can create something endowed with such atmosphere. If you`ll look closely then on the muzzles of animals you will read torment and pain and anger...
These matadors from Barcelona I remember well by their pleasant hardcore crust... or rather how well they joined both styles. Here you can hear some melodics and harsh speed and (especially) gloomy atmosphere. For example the guitar sound perfectly saws the brain and a good rhythm of the songs makes them jump around inside your brain. Rapid temps, avalanche drum beats, hysterical vocals... it's really great but with add a melody this seething mass just got better! So guys do everything right when they decided to dilute their music with different bleak melodies. And also we should pay attention to the sound of this album too. El Legado De La Barbarie sounds very confident, sound is shrill and sharp, it cuts into the ear membranes, and that feels very good.
Rating: 7.5/10 Butron fb Butron bc
You can order this LP HERE!