Pain. This is the word that comes to
my mind when I look at this cover. The artist manadged to pick some really provokative and horrible pictures. There is everything
there: diseases, tortures, experiments on people and animals. Creepy
art - that's what I say... Fortunately the music is not as creepy
and horrible as the cover itself :) Two bands from two different places meet up on one
small but beautiful piece of plastic. Both bands advocate powerviolence, but each of them do it in their own way.
Concussive - California/USA. Excellent example of the new wave of
powerviolence. These guys have the spirit of old school. Concussive play fast
and agressive, so fast they managed to squeeze 5
tracks in 2 minutes, hehe!) Their raw sound is pretty nice. The sound like this is very appropriate for this genre (for example if you record the same material with
clean quality sound it will sound like shit). Also, there is no big difference
in the tempo of
the songs, guys decided in favor of the insane presentation and
speed and that was a right decision!
Endless Swarm - Edinburgh city/Scotland.
One of a few scottish bands. They don't wear kilts like their ancestors but
trust me, these guys could kick anyone's ass, hahaha!) They differ from their
colleagues Endless Swarm by the solidity of sound first of all (this is because
guys add some grind into their violence). Tempos differ from mid to hell fast that makes it sound very pleasing to the
ear. And Graham's vocals reminded me of good
old Apartment 213 and Spazz.
Rating : 8/10 Concussive Endless Swarm
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