Art Of Burning Water / Nervous Mothers
Receiving parcels from different labels remind me the old christmas times when I was opening gifts, and look what's inside those boxes. The same feeling was when I got a big box from belgian Vleesklak Records. And among the other releases on the botom of the box I found this strange split. Design of this wax is pretty primitive but I realy like that! Empty inner side, info list and simple black vinyl... thats all. I'll be honest both bands were unknown for me, I put this split on turntable without expecting anything. But I was totally wrong! And so...
Nervous Mothers - those belgian guys plays very dark powerviolence. It's their last work and this material stands out with very dark atmosphere. As expected (for pv of course) among all instruments there is clearly distinguished bass guitar sound. Although that powerviolence genre is pretty fast one, guys make a point for the dark and thick atmosphere (and they succeeded). This darkness coupled with aggressive vocals and a sound set of all instrument completely blows my mind!
Art Of Burning Water - english obscurantists. Those crazy guys mix in their music sludge, harcore and pour it all with brand dark atmosphere. Here is the only one track but it`s such a badass song! Low and heavy as an elephant, this sound just breaks the skull to the core. Wicked atmosphere just crawls out of the speakers and begins to strangle you. While listening I got the impression, that I was getting sucked into some resin swamp and the resin is so thick that squeezes me and I hear my bones crushing...
Rating: 8,5/10 Nervous Mothers Art Of Burning Water
Grab this split here!