Well, we’ve finally made it to Leeds. This small town in England is where the English grind-violence movement centralized. The number of local bands there is simply amazing, and Famine is one of them. This release has been waiting for its time long enough. I know that the record sleeve was printed in another country, and, with the help of punk post, it was delivered back to labels. But it was well worth the wait... Funny, stoned art (I think that the artist was pretty stoned when he designed all this, hehehe) with acid colors/characters and, of course, the vinyl itself, it all looks fun and cool, there is not a single hint of seriousness).
Razzin' is their second release and guys have obviously put their hearts and souls into it. They’ve made a great cocktail by mixing together different genres. Here you can hear the aggression and the speed of grindcore, fastcore cheerfulness and the fun of hardcore punk! These 11 minutes of crazy sound will cheer you up for sure. On this LP, I particularly enjoy the variety of tempos and the guitar sound image. Different types of vocals are definitely a positive thing. Here you can hear "horn" screams like in powerviolence as well as regular screams that are typical for fastcore/grindcore. Hardcore parts are especially rocking. There’s definitely some sort of an edge in all this noise.
Rating: 8.5/10 Famine Here and Now rec!