Agents Of Satan & Paranoid Freakout (Regurgitated Semen Records)
Sometimes I want to experience the atmosphere of old american wave of grind/harcore/pv from 90th... yes, now we have many good modern bands (I dont want argue with that) but they play not that kind of stuff. And those moments make it worth listening to this split, it certainly deserves the attention of nostalgic freaks)
Fuck! Of course I've heard some similar stuff, but very rarely. The guys managed to make some darkness and aggression without any ultra speeds. This sound is realy raw and evil. This is truly an old atmosphere of "golden age of powerviolence & hardcore". Especially I am touched by this diabolical bass guitar sound, oh, it is a real cherry on top of the cake. The recording of this material dates back to the 2012 year, I think that this is the last thing that we could hear from Agents Of Satan, although the hope dies last.
If I understand correctly, this is the last release for Paranoid Freakout. Tracks that are presented here were already released on their demo. But this does not make any difference. This "music" is decently disgusting. So much so that it is impossible not to fall in love with those noises! Dirty grindcore-hardcore with screaming vocals. Damn, this is what I want! By the way this record was done with 3(!) free vocalists. This record is as strong as Agents side and also continues that very evil atmosphere.
Rating: 8.5/10 You can buy this split here!