Goregrind much like a deadly plague,it creeps around the world… It seems that this genre became pretty popular in our small underground world. There are so many interesting new bands and new nasty releases from old names. So today I want to talk about this muddy international tape which is in my top Gore releases for this year. One tape, 4 slimy bands from Russia, Switzerland, Australia and UK. Cystoblastosis are the first who will release their noise to us. First of all I want to say that I`m feeling some small changes in their music (I guess it`s because of the new guitar player). Like always that dirty act from St. Petersburg has many catchy things (mostly in tempos and riffs), but the whole sound became lower. You can especially feel it in the guitar sound (that buzzing mess is heavy as fuck). But in general it's the same goofy, groovy and loud Cystoblastosis which we know so well.
Next is the last recorded material from Australian Take That Vile Fiend. These guys killed me (and not only me) with their full album, so let`s see what they've prepared for us today. Hm, this material is very raw and noisy, but also this stuff is very aggressive and loud. I like these slow guitar riffs, they bring good atmosphere (sometimes those buzzing pieces remind me of some sort of strange black metal) and of course we can't miss out on these dirty blast beats (that blasting is creating a real mess).
Side B is starting with Nasty Face (as I know it`s their last recording too, for this moment). This time our Swiss friends prepared a bunch of good covers. They covered bands such as Regurgitate, Dahmer, Embryonic Cryptopathia, Famine and Grossel. All of these covers were recorded with NF`s branded sound. It`s pretty hard to describe these noises, you all know these songs and you all know that NF don’t like to record bad stuff. So just put this tape in your player and enjoy the good punky gore!
Regular Sized Rudy is a new name for me. It's said that this is a one man mincegrind band from the UK (Leeds). Well I must say that the whole material is influenced by goregrind, and this raw recording tastes good. All songs have the main attributes of mince, all of them are muddy, stupid, fast and groovy. Super simple riffs, pitch shifted roars and big load of fun. I`m pretty sure that this is a debut release for this band, well that guy managed to do some nice work.
Rating: 8/10 Nasty Face Cystoblastosis
Take That Vile Fiend Regular Sized Rudy
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