In the year 2016 Spanish duo Mugrind released their second work. The work got a name “Beautiful Hell Community”. The whole album concentrated on very serious themes, the lyric side of this album is pretty tight and I really like it. I especially enjoy the art of the insert (the artist perfectly conveyed the atmosphere foolish greed of corporations). But that’s all I can write about good side of “Beautiful Hell Community”. The main art perfectly fits in the name of the album, but from the other side it's deadly boring. I`m pretty sure that guys spend a lot of time in the studio… But unfortunately these noises didn’t touch me. Grindcore is not a simple genre, it`s very hard to create something badass with only few simple riffs. Well Umbe and Zombi could not do it properly. That duo just managed to play pretty regular/standard grind core (with pretty boring riffs and tempos). The whole sound and mixing are nice, but these noises are not catchy at all. Except grind riffs and blast beats I feel here a big influences from old death metal genre. And I really have no idea why these label released this album on such expensive format…
Rating: 6.5/10 Mugrind bc
You can buy this LP at Extreme Terror prod!