has produced many great bands. Probably all of you know Mesrine, Dahmer,
Archagathus, Mass Grave… Well here is new fresh blood! Meet Gourmet! They just
released their debut work but, they have many freaky fans already. The core of
this band is Ripley (the man behind guitar noises) and Leslie (the lady behind
drum beats), plus they had a special ugly man; Joe (Meatus/Archagathus and so
on) who did the vocals. So “The Blast Supper” was released by Grindfather
Productions, like pro-tape and this small smelly piece has very interesting
cover art. Here you can see a pan in which they cook human remains. This is
nice,funny, cannibalistic humor. By the way while during live performances Joe
puts on a chef suit (that guy knows how to make a good atmosphere at a gig,
I guess
that Gourmet are big Arhagathus fans, because they sound pretty similar. These
noises can be describe with words like; noisy, goofy, vomity and of course silly.
But that doesn’t mean that this tape sucks, not at all! This mince punk has
many catchy riffs and tunes. This stupid simplicity makes you dance and it
brings a stupid smile to your face, haha! Of course I can’t say that this
record is brilliant, but I had fun during listening to this tape. By the way
all these songs were recorded and mastered by Dan Ryckman (Archagathus).
7.5/10 Contacts: