Finally our Swedish rock warriors took a break in the systematic absorption of beer! They have gone to the recording studio and recorded 24 lovely ballads. Officially this album will be out in the end of October, but we were lucky to listen to it before that date. Honestly I must say, I had to make some minor preparations (before I start listen and write.I bought six-pack of beer and some smokes,haha! First bottle is opened! Well, first of all I feel that I should write something about this strange cover picture. It's strange because previously guys used real art. Just look at this closely… This band photo reminds me old rock days when all band had the same cover. Just band photo and logo (super minimalism isn’t it?)I guess the boys tried to make their own variant of Abba, the Who or Beatles covers, haha. Okay I just opened my 2nd bottle and...
Fast, fun, dynamic here are just a few words that I believe can describe this band and this album. Also I catch some noticeable changes in this rock n roll mess. The 3rd bottle. First of all Massgrav started to use more Crust Punk pieces in their crazy alco grind/fastcore. Also I find great rock n roll moments too (especially in the feel of the guitar riffs and solos). But apart from these moments it`s our old and mad Massgrav. This album is charged with a ton of frenzied energy and fun ferocity. And of course I need to notice that all instruments sound pretty clean and loud. 4th one, bottle is almost empty! "Stockholm Rockers" is swarming with great guitar sound and riffs, which are simple but catchy. Johan, did good work! Fifth bottle, haha! Olas yelling is so loud and insane, haha! Also his fast fingers skillfully managed the bass guitar (I really love that crisp and clanking sound of thick strings). And of course I couldn’t avoid to write a few words about Fenok's drums. That guys is a pretty talented man, he really feels the whole game. His simple rock beats and brutal blast beats fit perfectly! Well my last bottle is almost done… What more can I say? This album cheered me up and brings a drunk smile on my face.
Rating: 8/10 Massgrav fb Official site