Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Hack Job - Demo

A good friend of mine advised I listen to this demo tape and that’s how this review was born. Obviously Hack Job is a 100% new name for me… So I started to dig for some info about them. This band is located in the UK, they started just few years ago. They released a demo and one split (with Hooked on Christ), and of course they have done a lot of gigs. And I can tell many other things about them but let’s concentrate on this small tape. 11 tracks are hidden behind a simple cover (as you can see it's only a logo and one word). But this modest shell is just a cover for yelling fast madness. In these songs you will find the good spirit of extreme punk. Hack Job are a trio which can smash you with their music. These bastards find a great formula and balance for fastcore, hardcore, noise and punk. It`s hard to believe that just a simple tape can accommodate so much crazy energy! I must admit great riffs and good drum work. Fast rhythms and cool sound burn and force you to jump and crush everything, hahaha! There is so much great live energy (and personally for me it's very important in music). Also in my opinion the yelling and angry vocals make this record even more wild. Rating: 8/10 Hack Job bc  Hack Job fb 

You can buy this tape at Grey Water Collective