Friday, June 16, 2017

Agathocles / Disorder (Power it Up)

There is a lot of new noise which is released everyday, but I will always find time for Agathocles. So this time I want to talk about their split with old punks Disorder. This bunch of songs were released on vinyl (lovely 10 inch) and on CD. First of all I must notice the great art work, the artists did a great job (each in his own way). AG side with that suffering face and Disorder with their simple punk picture (looks like that one was drawn by children, haha :)… From first looks everything looks nice, so let’s open this magic noisy box. Let’s call it a “Total Braindead” session. For this session 4 ugly songs were recorded and their sound is pretty good, not super raw, almost clean, low and nice. But material is pretty boring (in my opinion of course), I perfectly feel a brand AG style but, these rhythms and riffs are too slow. They sound like they have no live energy, so they don’t cause any positive emotions (and that's pretty sad)… And next is 3 songs in a package with a very strange name “Massacre Of Fish”. Maybe you know that Disorder are an old hardcore punk band (if not, then you know it now, hahaha) so obviously they act like old punk. Dirty, a little bit deaf and simple sound, buzzing guitar and loud yelling. That's what we've got here. Lyrics about chaos and anarchy sound pretty great and can cause a smile on your face. But I can't say that these songs have much more live force than the AG songs. They are pretty dry and uneventful. But anyway this material is a good example of old punk (which is hard to find nowadays). Rating: AG – 6.5 Disorder - 7

Order this split at Power it Up!