Insufferable is a double masked attack from Scotland... These dudes love to hide their faces and they also don't like music. That's probably why they started to ruin everything around them with harsh noisegrind, hehe. So let's dive into this smelly swamp of noise and let's try to survive! The EP is very aggressive, with short and fast songs and tons of low painful sounds. Crashing guitar makes that mess more malicious and even denser. I love that the whole sound is pretty clean, it seems like you're listening grindcore instead of noise. These primitive riffs and blasting drums.... mmmm... god damn that shit is strong! I really feel that these guys put all their madness and energy into these songs. These 18 songs are a good cure for a hangover (believe me while I'm writing these words my head is trying to blow up, hahah). It's also great that Insufferable are "alive" band, I mean they don't use a drum machine or other electronic equipment. It seems like the vocalist is gonna spit out his guts while he yelling, that was really honest and, I guess, pretty painful to do, and I really appreciate that, that guys is mad for sure!
Rating: 8/10 Insufferable bc Insufferable fb
You can also buy this EP at Fermented Bile Vomit Productions