This intercontinental split has experienced many delays and other difficulties. But nevertheless with joint efforts of bunch of labels this finally happened and split was released. Badass white vinyl with weird art from Jon (fantastic artist from Russia) is great and beautiful (of course only if you're a fan of vomiting monsters with three heads:)) present for all grindcore fans.
Coffin Birth opens this split. This material is not new (these 3 songs were taken from Cult of the Technocrat tape) but it`s still very cool. I always liked their straight and honest grindcore. Of course in their music there is some side taste of death metal, but this just adds some sharpness in their sound. Assertive & hard, thier sound I can associate with old big dirty truck which runs on maximum speed.
Second one, is to some extent legendary band. Total Fucking Destruction has a lot of years behind and they have many fans all over the Earth. As for me they have the lightest sound on this split (personally I was relaxed by their songs:)) even though there is some madness in 2nd song. And the first track reminds, with guitar solos and melodics, old good heavy metal, hehe)
My good friends from Insomnia Isterica open side B. In their songs you can perfectly feel a school of good old punk. Their record is short but it keeps your spirit up. The sound is not buldozering and super heavy, but in its own way interesting & cool. Fast-and-dont-give-a-fuck thats how can I briefly describe it in few words)
My countrymen Skruta close this split. Those guys have a great potential. Their material is diverse & curious. But the sound is slightly disappointing, that guitar sound is too dry sometimes... But guys are trying to compensate it with strong punch and they make it very good!
Rating- Coffin Birth:8/10 Total Fucking Destruction:7/10
Insomnia Isterica:7,5/10 Skruta:7,5/10
You can order this split HERE!
Labels which released this split:Grindfather Productions, Crit De Fastic Records, L'é Tütt Folklor Records, Trismus Records, Let The Bastards Grind, No Bread!, Vleesklak Records, Lazybones Records