Saturday, April 11, 2015

Fiend - Derailed (Noise not War)

Last year I noticed a few really good releases and also some great interesting bands that I’ve never heard until then. Fiend is one of those bands… I guess grindcore duos is a pretty generic thing nowadays, but these guys made me remember them for a long time. Maybe I’m over-praising them, but if you don’t believe me, see for yourself – the reaction and comments of grind freaks are pretty praising too, hehe)
Now back to our American psychos. Right now there’s a tape EP called Derailed in my hands. It was released by British label Noise Not War, white tape and black cover, good contrast. The artwork is somewhat fancy, a lot of screws all over the ground. I’ve never seen something like this. But still looks good. Also, it’s limited to 100 copies, so if you miss your chance to buy this – too bad.
On this tape there’s a material from 2014. Only 9 tracks (basically it’s the only thing that makes me sad about it, ‘cause I’m really tired to turn the tape)
I remembered Fiend because of their love for old school sound. Raw, but still listenable, juicy and in-your-face… These 9 tracks will blow your head like an AK round! To be honest, I still cannot believe that all this noise was made by two people, it’s like an entire storm of aggressive grindcore approaching me from the amps. Superb EP, to say the least.

Rating: 8,5/10          Noise Not War     Fiend