Hello Alex how are you? The World Cup is finally over, we are not tired of drunken tourists not hahahahahaah. Many tourists came to Brazil during the World Cup but he didn?t let us "tired" hahaha.
Greetings for the production of the new split of my compatriots Necrocannibalistic Vomitorium. Tell a few words about this split, as I know most of the grindcore bands disguisting from making splits with pornogrind ensembles...
Yes, few months was released this split tape with Necrocannibalistic vomitorium and I must confess I quite like this release. I think both bands well placed noisy music and dedicated enough to this Split tape.
To be honest with you, when we received the invitation to this split tape really think about the pornogrind stuffs, but when we saw a lot of friend bands like Agathocles and Pulmonary Fibrosis launched Splits with NV so we thought we would also have a split with NV too.
I think I can remember something, despite being getting old hahaha, it all started in 1996, two friends (a drummer and a bassist) placed ads in record stores looking for a guitar player for a grindcore / death metal band. I saw this announcement and called the guys, they had already fixed a guitarist but still called me to be the second guitarist. At the time everything was very precarious, our instruments, we did not know studios to rehearse and knew nothing of the underground scene. As time went on we were "better" (or not) and started to make contacts and learn more bands. After 18 years the only member from the foundation of the band's me (Mane) and during those 18 years we put out several materials in various formats, including a split tape with Agathocles, launched by a label from Czech Republic in 2000 I think. Do you like this split?
I suppose to mention that the quality and the variaty of the forming of your relises, as far as i know is made by your drummer. Did he study it somewhere or it is his natural gift?)
I think it is a gift, not recall any plague rages drummer have mentioned have studied how to play drums, incidentally think any member of the plague rages attended a music school.
Do you think if the visual part of the art (design of the releases, logotype) plays a great role in the existance of grind band?
I think so, at least in the Plague Rages always bother to pass our messages through the covers and t-shirts and also through our letters, I think it is actually a set, covers, artwork, logo, lyrics and the music (or anti music ).
What about the main name of Plague Rages, where it came from, what is its' source of birth?
The name came from the Napalm Death’s song, from Fear, Emptness, Dispear album. This song also appears in a live version on the EP "Greed Killing", we heard a lot this ep when we started rehearsing together.
When we set up the band, we were a short period of time without a name, one day we got together to choose the band's name, each of us chose some names and wrote on a piece of paper and did a lottery to see which name would, and was chosen Plague Rages. We thought about putting this name in Portuguese but it didn’t sound very well, so we decided to use even in English.
What you can say about the legendary brazilian ghettos, as far as i know that even the cops not coming closer to these places in a fear for their own lifes?
There are actually many places and most violent neighborhoods here in Brazil, in large cities there are lots of street violence, robbers, car thieves, etc. But there are also a lot of police violence, many corrupt cops, violent and often kill innocent and are not punished .
What about the tour in east Europe? It is remembered that you supposted to show in Ukraine, but than it didn't succeed. Have you any plans to repeat this kind of tour?
The European tour was very good, played well in cool places with really good bands, made many new friends personally know the lead singer fo Foible Instinct (we have a split cd with them), and of course, played at Obscene Extreme Festival, which for us is like a dream.
Really had some shows booked in Ukraine and would love to have played on these shows, unfortunately, that we would do some shows on the way to Ukraine were canceled and so we could not get to Ukraine. We would like very much to go to Europe again and surely play the Ukraine, perhaps in 2016?
If your remember around 15 years ago, it was so popular time to watch telenovelas, do you still have the production of endless sagas about different kind of Jose Escoban or Isaura ?)
Unfortunately in Brazil culture of telenovelas is still very strong, the majority of the population still watches a lot to all of them, there are some tv stations who pass 5 times a day for 5 days a week, is absurd.
I find it very boring to watch soap operas, are always the same kind of story, it's very annoying, I'd rather hear some grindcore albuns or read some book hahaha.
Analysing the last years of the activity of the band in your country, I can surely say that the brazilian scene is very strong that even overshadows with the czech, the american one and many others... From where you have so qualitative activity? Maybe the whole secret is hidden in the climate?
I agree with you that many here have grindcore bands, a lot of people here like grindcore, many bands have released their material and this is important, but I think we still have a lot to improve, for example, we still don?t have major "festivals" as in Europe, which has the Obscene Extreme and Play fast or don't. I think the scene is not united here, the Brazil is very large, and the scenes from north to south of the country are not united as they should (for example, few bands of northern Brazil play in South and southern few bands play in the north), the tickets are really expensive here, so this also makes it difficult.
I think our secret is that we have many social problems here, violence and perhaps making music (or anti music) is the only way to express ourselves.
Tell to our readers about Into The End, as far as I'm informed that Antonio and Douglas play there?
Yes, Into The End is another band that Antonio and Douglas play, the band exists since 2010, but got a stop time and returned in 2014 with a new line. The purpose of the band is now launching two splits, with Havitys (Finland) and Foible Instinct (Ukraine), also playing gigs in Brazil and launched in 2015 a Full.
I play in another grindcore band also called Banni Conflict, should put out a full cd in 2015 also.
Are you still the great fans of old school grind? In your opinion what are the most close one, from the new bands, to the old school?
Surely we continue enjoying grind old school, is still our biggest influences, attitudes and the feeling of the bands old schools continue to inspire us always. We like some bands of the new school, I think the Wormrot very good, heavy, noisy and with a great live performance, sure to inspire much in them after seeing their shows.
It is banal but even though, what about the new material that the world going to see in your new album?
Recently was released a CD that contains some sounds our released between 2000 and 2013, is called "Atos de Retaliacao” (Acts of Retaliation), included the sounds of Split tape with Necrocannibalistic vomitorium too. What the new material, we have a split with FUCK due out in late 2014 or early 2015 About a new full length, maybe stay for after July 2015, will continue to make very sure grindcore these new materials, we each days noisiest hahaha!
Have you any Yeti or chupacabras in your brazilian jungle? What do your have from the local monsters from legends?
Unfortunately there are not Yetis in our jungles (well I would like some Yetis because the country would have a colder climate, here is always very hot) and some 15 years no one talks about the chupacabras hahaha, honestly there are not many legends about monsters in forests, there are some legends about elements of our folklore, such as Saci Perera, who is a boy who has only one leg, he uses red cap and a red swimming trunks, he lives in the woods, only appears at night, and smokes a pipe, he likes to "hide" objects of other people, but he is not a monster indeed. Also exist other legends, such as Curupira, which is a woman who has the feet turned backwards, we have the Mula sem cabeca (Headless Mule) and many others, are all legends that are part of folklore (although many residents near forests say they've seen these characters I don?t believe it).
On forests, deforestation unfortunately this very advanced, so many Indians and animals were removed from their land, which is too bad.
That's all, thank your for your answers, the last word is for you))
Thank you for interview Alexander, loved answering your questions, and sorry for the delay. I thank everyone who always support us, and thanks to everyone who takes the interview to end. Fuck the Nazis. Stay grind !!!!!
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