Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Sissy Spacek - Reversed Normalization

There are days when you want, oh no, you NEED something very harsh. Something which will beat all the shit (bad thoughts, shitty mood) out of you. Fortunately we have something for you. Not super new,but still a very tight album from American killers of silence Sissy Spacek! These tuys hid something really ugly and dangerous under this retro art (as always guys just confused the listeners with another piece of peaceful art, haha. But let’s cut this intro and let`s listen to this thing.
This album differs from previous Sissy Spacek works. “Reversed Normalization” is not usual blasting noisecore (like on Lead Their Exit), this time the guys add harsh digital sauce. These 3 songs sound very crazy, and it`s pretty hard to handle the whole album, ahah! Oh boy, these distorted sounds just beat you very painfully. Digital noises mixing with bass sound and blast beats, all that mess is very dangerous. Each “song” contains so many little sharp pieces which make your ears bleed. On this record Sissy Spacek used a lot of high frequencies and they are very annoying. Well if you're in bad mood, and your neighbors are totally shitheads, then you can take revenge on them with this lovely album. Rating: 7/10 Sissy Spacek bc