5 years have passed since this demo was recorded. Damn, 5
years is a long time to wait, but finally this dream came true. This pure slime
finally has a physical shell now. Unfortunately Pregnancy was just a side
project, back then the guys recorded 5 songs and this project was almost frozen
(time to time this band shows signs of life). This 7” looks very badass, it`s
seems that all polygraphy was made by some big Xerox, I guess with this look
someone (probably the chiefs of labels) wants to save the spirit of old demo
tapes. Well they really did that, this simplicity of diy in mix with gore art
looks just fantastic!
First of all this record stands out with unnatural
heaviness and unlimited primitive brutality. the guys did a great job, that
heavy and low sound just crash and melt everything. This small demo reminds me
of works from bands such as The Day Everything Became Nothing, CBT and
Regurgitate. If I understand it right, they recorded this stuff with double
guitar and with really good dense bass; I guess its the main secret of this
deadly sound. I like these “tupa tupa” and blast beats, they sound very fast
and thrashy. Pitch-shifted sections are there, roaring vomity type vocals are
also present. Also, I must take notice notice that this album is very balanced.
All instruments are in their places, there is nothing superfluous here. For me
it`s one of the best gore releases for 2017/2013. And these damn noises deserve
to be released on vinyl.
Rating: 9/10 Pregnancy fb Pregnancy bc
You can get this EP at Grindfather prod!