Literally 4 hours ago my postman brings me a new parcel. I found in there this CD with a review request; well let’s see what we have here. After few clicks in the Internet I find out that this release is 100% Italian. The label Everlasting Spew Records is based in Brescia and the bands Mindful Of Pripyat and Stench of Profit are from Milano and Venezia.I must notice, this cover art is really badass. The artist managed to create something gloomy, with a ton of small details. I especially like that he drew the Chernobyl nuclear power plant (believe it or not but I live not far from that place). And now let's put this CD in our player.
The first noises come from Mindful Of Pripyat. This is more of a death metal band than a grindcore one. But this band sounds pretty confident and energetic. The drums are loud, which is important because blast beats tend to lose some of the power if the drums are too low. The guitar section is there too, chainsaw sound with death metal taste (this perfectly fits into the whole picture). And of course we cant forget about the roaring vocals. The vocalist did a good job, his growling adds density to this music.
Next is Stench Of Profit. Their noises have a little bit of a raw sound and this stuff has more punk groove. But of course these songs have a good smell of death metal. Also it was really nice to find a woman in this band (sadly it`s pretty rare). Her yelling and guitar sounds very good. Mostly this band is playing in middle tempos and I feel a big influences from old bands (like Terorriser, Napalm Death, etc.) and it`s good. But unfortunately I can’t say that this band has many catchy riffs or memorable drums parts. But definitely this grind is pretty tasty.
Rating: 7.5/10 Mindful Of Pripyat fb Stench Of Profit fb
You can buy this split HERE!