Monday, February 6, 2017

Smut - Slop (Splatter Zombie Records)

It`s a little sad for me to write this review... all because this band existed for a very short time, they recorded a badass album and then split up. The Smut had a very well known members, guys from Blood Freak, Frightmare, Fornicator, Witch Vomit, Lord Gore... and that says a lot. Like in the bands mentioned above the Smut works mostly in horror and gore themes. Not even "mostly", those topics are everywhere here, hahaah!) Just looks at this cover... this combination of so many evil monsters, there are so many evil eyes looking at you, and also all this fangs and claws... It looks very cute ;)
But most of all I will remember not the tracks themselves, by its sound... it`s a little bit raw and breathes the atmosphere of evil... it`s like a cold wind that chills to the bone. This death-gore filled with good guitar riffs, mid-tempo rhythms (which will uniformly crumble your flesh) and this vocal reminiscent generally dissatisfied growl of a cave man, ahahaha! Hmthere is nothing to say more about, this album is just great and is likely to appeal to fans of the old school. Rating: 8.5/10 Smut fb

Buy this CD at Splatter Zombie Records!