Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Sanitys Dawn ‎– The Violent Type (Power It Up)

I haven't heard anything from old good Sanitys Dawn for a long time. it 's been 5 years or so since their last recording, and guys have finally braced up and recorded some fresh material. 6 brand new songs were packed into one vinyl and the release was called "The Violent Type". The First thing that came up to my mind when I've been listening to this for 11 minutes is that the guys don't sound the way they used to in old days. For a moment I thought it's not even the Sanitys Dawn, haha)) These Germans have made a rather good experiment. The sound has lost some of its solidness and anger, but they added more punk drive and some rock'n'roll. Sanitys Dawn now sound more joyful (with such a programm, circle pit in front of stage is guaranteed!). I really enjoy these hardcore vocals a-la Infest/Spazz, it was a good idea to mix them with other vocals. As it should be in punk rock, the bass can be heard pretty clear here, which makes the sound much better. Also I should mention "The Violent Type" is not only about cheerful grindness, there are some smooth rocking rhytms.

Let's take a closer look at the cover of this 7 inch. At first sight, it looks very stylish, but take a look at the picture. The artist's interpritation of the saying "still waters run deep" is remarkable, ahaha. Guys might look like harmless hippies but if you mess with them, they will kick your ass;)) 

Rating: 8/10     Sanitys Dawn     Buy this vinyl here!