Hi, guys! How’re you doing? Is Australian beer tasty?)
I'm well thanks, having a few tasty beers right now.
Congratulations with your EP’s release! As far as I remember it was released by great Czech label Dead Heroes Rec. Tell us about your EP. Are you satisfied with it? What do people say about it? Already got your own copies?)
Thanks, yes Dead Heroes has pressed this for us and we couldn't be happier. Our friend Chris Brownbill recorded it for us and did a marvelous job. Other people seem to really like it too which is awesome, it definitely received more positive attention than we thought.
Trivial question, but still, could you please describe Coffin Birth for people who still don’t know about you (and no need to be humble here ;))
We play style of grindcore influenced by the early UK scene (Napalm Death, ENT, Sore Throat, etc) but we also love death metal so we can't help having that stuff creep in too.
Yes we are friends outside of the band, when we do catch up it's at pubs and other shows.
Yes, I think grindcore could be next. Powerviolence seems to have been really in for a while so I suspect some may make a transition to grind at some point. And I'm all for people getting into another generation's music.
Art is one of the things that brings us joy. What things are you ready to endure in order to create something significant?
Lucky for us we haven't really had to endure too much for our art. No more than most other bands, really.
What do you think about reanimation of vinyl and tapes? Does format matters for your band?
I think it's cool, I love tapes because people seem to get so pissed off about the fact bands are putting out music on tape.
Many people say that your first gig is a thing you will never forget. Do you remember your first live show? What did you feel then?
Haha yeah I do, it was pretty lame and embarrassing but all pretty standard first high school band stuff. Coffin Birth's first show was at a friend's house, we were messy but still had good time.
What is this project with such dark and horrifying title Nazi Dentist? Who were playing there?
I played guitar in that, Crispy who also plays guitar with me in Sick People picked the name. He really wanted to name the band after the Lockjaw song, nothing pro-fascist or pro-nazi about the band.
In one of your interviews you mentioned a local TV show called “Rage”. I would like to know more about this piece of Australian music history. Is it still alive and well?
Oh yeah, Rage isn't going anywhere. In the mornings it's a top 100 countdown but it will start late the night before with someone guest programming. It's not always metal but the first one I caught was Pantera hosting and that got me into a heap of thrash, death and black metal bands.
One more question about live shows. Could you remember how many of them you did and your most rad gig, please?
I have no idea how many shows we've played, but for me the funnest Coffin Birth show was when we played with Sete Star Sept in a little cafe. It was a wild night.
What do you think about such thing like Christian metal, hardcore, or grindcore (bleargh!)?
I'm not overly concerned with it, but it is supremely toy, especially christian black metal.
I suppose being able to do things our way without sucking up or kissing anyone's arse.
There’s a cocks pit-fights, dog pit-fights, which we all know about. Do you have something like this in Aoosustralia? Maybe, Tasmanian devil pit-fights?)))
People used to box kangaroos, and usually lose. Also in the 30's the Australian government declared war on the emus, they lost.
Thank you so much for this interview! A couple of words for our readers, please.
Big thanks for the interview and thanks to those for taking the time out to read the shit I have to say.
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