Old German label Power It Up continues to joy exigent listeners with its new blasting release! Now it is a new album of German veterans Entrails Massacre! They worked really hard on their second album and it took 9 years to finish it! Decline of Our Century revived my interest to this band.
Ok, let’s start with the cover. The artist that worked on this cover is a famous and talented Jasper Swerts. He expressed every human’s filth that social life have had for a long time. Rotten religion, damned popes, constantly lying politics, illnesses that consume our world, war that, unfortunately, has always been a part of our existence. And the center of it all is death, the end of us all.
Now about music. The band really got themselves pumped up and recorded 28 tracks, last 8 songs was also released on splits with Proletar and Mesrine. I’m glad that they included them too, it’s unlikely that someone’s gonna protest against this pleasant bonus. I listened to this album 5 times and its place is definitely not in the trash can, but on my collector’s shelf J Very solid grindcore chaos as it is. Music is not predictable, temp is constantly changing, so does vocal style. I remember that at some point this LP reminded me of Nasum, Pig Destroyer altogether with addition of German sausages and saturated with the best beer!
Rating: 9/10 Entrails Massacre fb Power it Up