My friends, what would happen if we try to mix chainsaw and jackhammer, and put a speaker above all this stuff? And these guys from Italian band Dysmorphic, are already made it many years ago and but it in active use. In the beginning of the year they,ve collected all material from 2009 to 2013 and released it on a tape (this format is being more popular for this few years). Tapes and cassetes with a bright cover are my weakness, I must admit it, and I accidently got a copy with a red cover. I’m a not their great fan and understood all tracks from second listening, and it has really big difference between music an cover. When you look at the tape you can imagine guys playing neogrind or deathcore (I’m really sorry), but it’s how far wrong. From very benning you can hear the hard wall of sound, mixed on a death metal, with some grind/punk arrangements, but mostly thi is deathgrind. I think as death metal fans, as grindcore fans, both will be interested in this release. The best tracks for me are “Greed” and “Nyab Cover”.
The score is 6.5/10 Grindfather prod Dysmorfic