Saturday, October 10, 2015

Penis Vibrator - Let's Go (Nuclear Alcoholocaust Rec)

Penis Vibrator, a VIA from Malasya brings to this sick sad world some real careless fun especially when there is some ugly stuff going on outside like wars, terrorism, goddamned politicians, you have to make up your mind. For this purpose I would play this cassette with some real weird content inside. Their debut tape entitled "Let's Go" and designed in completely DIY manner with some rock'n'roll decoration on the cover art. Unprepared listener may think that's your ordinary pornogrind band, but this is not even close. These guys doing pure noise and roll! Imagine Merzbow in Elvis's outfit driving a caddilac in some sunny country and have an idea what's inside. Old movie samples, ads, ancient 50s music mixed with rock'n'roll, oh! Guys, you check this one right now, this wall of noise can change your mood. If you are into Noise a Go Go's, give it a listen right now! This crazed madness leaves you a pleasant aftertaste and total noise satisfaction. Sixty copies are too little because, but every type of a grind freak can enjoy a copy.

Total: 8/10       Penis Vibrator bc    Nuclear Alcoholocaust rec