I have not covered some noisy stories for a while... Let's change how things are going especially while this year brings us many unexpected stuff. One of so-called "unexpection" would be a reunion of a oldest czech noisecore outfit PTAO! After full lenght album there was a split with slovakian guys Sedem Minút Strachu: art design of the new seven inch can be described as... noisy? Anti-musical? I guess. Exploding head is drawn in insane detail, artist makes you explore it good. This split has united Czech Republic and Slovakia, all info is written in their language. I am not experienced in these languages, but can understand when bands recorded their stuff (circa 2014), or how they are sending a hello to each other and to the Otto the boss label. Ptao start the seven inch, you have to survive five minutes of finest noisecore blasting of the oldschool... Nobody is interested in "you suffer"-style tracks nowadays, but these guys mixed a freaking saxophone, which highlights this cacophonic chaos and adds some "fuel" to the "fire". Some parts are real fun here, they sound like the ceiling literally collapsed in the studio building and took a life of a jazz band. Now lets get to SMS! A wall of noise is covered upon a listener, dual distorted bass guitars rip you a new one, unexperienced listener would not survive this to the end! Drumming is unique, Jan does the great job, if you listen to Idiots Parade, you get the idea. Everyone is doing vocals, which makes the whole thing more evil. I hope the guys would not weaken and would bring us much more stuff in the future...
Total: 8/10 S.M.S. bandcamp Ptao bandcamp