Friday, July 3, 2015

Horsebastard – Giraffetermath (Dead Heroes Records)

...Then add a little milk into your cup of tea... wait, what is it all about? It's defenitely about last-year release of Liverpool band, weirdly named Horsebastard. When Canada is called modern capital of mince/gore bands, England is a motherland of new talanted powerviolence/grindcore collectives! Horsebastard started in 2010, but it took them 4 years to release their first serious work - Giraffetermath. 
Dead Heroes Records is responsible for this material. 14 tracks are placed on 10' vinil. Well, guys made fun of designing: one side is called Horse and another - Bastard, reciprocally, lol:) Cover is gelastic! The artist, probably, was inspired by time-honoured movies about Blade and Robocop… He took some tea and got down to drawing, seasoning the work with tremendous English humour! 
As I've already mentioned, there are 14 tracks, as energetic as tornado.
Fast moments are amplified by moderating groove. 2 different vocals complement each other extremely well. Ultratempo of guitar and drums truly regale. Short tracks, retaining craziness. Fans scrap their bones in moshpits, I bet! I would add for myself, that Horsebastard is a prominent representative of grindviolence scene, which has just started to form.

Rating: 8/10        HorseBastard        Dead Heroes