Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Archagathus / Lt. Dan (Grindfather Productions, Bloodspit Records)

Love is always beautiful. Love in grind is even better! Love between Canadian lumberjacks Archagathus and American outlaws Lt. Dan gave birth to this wonderful split. It was released in seven-inch vinyl format on the British Grindfather Productions and Russian Bloodspit Records. If you are waiting for something new from these bands, then you can safely ignore this. After all, the guys from Archagathus and Lt. Dan continue to go their own way of noise and screams. By the way, it would be useful to mention that someone made a mistake, and pointed out that the Canadian side must be done at a speed of 33 rpm, in fact, its speed must be 45. So be careful.
Also in the design of the guys did not give up on their principles. There are some cops with a dog and a bunch of cute crocodiles, well, a complete set in general.

Unfortunately Lt. Dan does not exist any more (I almost sure about this. If that not true then please sorry me guys)... and so the only thing that remains for us is to enjoy the material that the band has left. In this split, guys are vomiting out 5 songs with nasty rotten sound. Noisy sound attacks your brain, causing it to shrink. Mostly slow, sometimes fast, this is the Lt. Dan that we like and that we will miss.
Canadian side has symmetrically equal number of tracks. The sound is very similar, but there is some slight difference in this raw mess. Material was recorded in 2009-2012. All instruments are recorded by an orchestra man Dan, Joe helped with vocals only. It is simply impossible to confuse Archagatus with some other band, their sound of guitars and hell vocals is recognized by anyone, even under heavy dose of drugs. Maybe I'm wrong, but this band is a fine heritage of Agathocles.

Rating: 8/10     Lt. Dan      Archagathus   For orders write