Thursday, August 13, 2015

Yacopsae (14.08.15)

Hi, Stoffel! Thanks for getting around to our modest zine!

Basically, every interest is much appreciated, and through the years of our existence, we have supported every underground zine. So, the pleasure is on our side!

Here goes! What's your favourite Halloween costume?

Haha, personally, I was never into carnival or comparable celebrations, and I always disappointed the kids ringing at my door. Instead of giving them sweet stuff, they received a single roll of toilet paper from me. But if I have to choose a costume, I would be disguised as Michael Myers, of course.

So, you've toured in America! This is freaking awesome for a European band to put on concerts there. What do you know now about those places, gigs, people? What are your feelings?

Phew, it’s almost ten years ago that we did six shows at the East Coast, but I still remember that it simply was a blast! We met so many nice people, we played at really unique places (record stores, churches, big clubs, backyards, etc.), shared the stages with awesome bands (i.e. SCAPEGOAT, MAGRUDERGRIND, LETHAL AGGRESSION, DISASSOCIATE, UNHOLY GRAVE, DISMEMBER, SPLATTERHOUSE, CATHETER, VITAL REMAINS, etc.), and stayed at nice places. Actually, there was not that much difference, if you compare it to the European structures.

I see you'll gladden your fans with a lot of upcoming releases: apart from recent splits with RAZORS and SHITNOISE BASTARDS, you intend to record a new album and some more splits. This question may seem a little boring, but tell of new material to us, please.

There’s not that much to tell. The new stuff will be a mix between our albums “Einstweilige Vernichtung” and “Tanz, Grosny, tanz …”. No grindcore, just high-octane punk rock, haha. Very fast’n’short songs, sludgy parts, stop’n’go breaks – the usual stuff. No one will be disappointed. Probably, we are the noisy reincarnation of the RAMONES; we just write the same song again and again, haha.

Stoffel, which Yacopsae (or your personal) trip was the most exotic? Which places have you visited?

We played in more than 20 different countries, so far. I think the most exotic places have been Turkey, USA, Colombia, Slovenia, and Mallorca Island (although it belongs to Spain). Personally, I love to travel, and to see different places/ cultures. In example, this year (February), I’ve been in Canada (Halifax/ Nova Scotia), and it was awesome. There are much more places I would like to see, but it all depends on money, unfortunately.

Everyone understands full well, that you somehow have to get official or secondary job, if even you go on tour often. What are you doing for your living?

Of course, we need to work, and we don’t earn money from our noise. Emu is repairing computers, Frank is a car mechanic, and I’m a social worker/ educator (I take care of refugees from Syria, Iran, Irak, Afghanistan, etc.).

When you founded Yacopsae?, did you ever think that it would be your lifetime project? Have you ever had an intention to give it up, play something different or find non-musical occupation?

No, I never expected such a development. In the early days, we thought the band would exist for just two years, maximum. We’re from the suburbs, and back in the day, it was our biggest dream to catch a show in Hamburg, haha.
We never wasted any thoughts about finishing the band – simply, because there’s no reason. We’re very close friends, and until it’s fun or rather it makes sense, we won’t stop.

So, I've come to the point, hehe. This year, you’re turning 25! Congratulations and best wishes! You’re going to have a shit-hot party gig, tell us a few words about this concert.

Thanks a lot. The birthday party will be celebrated at the place where we’d seen so many great bands in the middle of the 80’s: “Markthalle”/ Hamburg! 1100 people fit in, and we invited bands, which had an influence on our music and/ or which are just close friends: German punk rock legends such as RAZZIA, RAZORS and ZZZ HACKER. Additionally, grindcore veterans BLOOD and CRIPPLE BASTARDS will play, too. By the way, all the mentioned bands are active since the late 70’s and 80’s, so we are the “kids”, haha. 

What’s your opinion on bands that signed to huge labels became popular? Many people turn up noses at such bands ... They think, this is the way musicians stop being themselves, being “true”...

I think people should not generalize. It depends on an individual basis. Who’s able to judge, if a musician is “true” or not? I think a band can keep their credibility, even if there’s a bigger label in the back. Personally, I’ve got more problems with narrow-minded people than with a band releasing their records on a major label (though I never would sign a contract with Warner or Universal). Same old story: first blaming a band being “sell-out”, and afterwards going back to do a shit-job in a factory, which is part of an exploitative concern.

And a little more about the music: Stoffel, what are the latest five releases that appeared in your player?

That might surprise you. Here we go:

1. TOY DOLLS – “Dig that groove, Baby!” CD
2. SCHOLASTIC DETH – “Discography” CD
3. THE LOST LYRICS – “Some things never change” CD

I was surprised at number of diversified releases on your bandcamp page ... There are even some interviews recorded on cassettes, wow! When listening to your old material, I was amazed at the fact that you are still playing as fast and aggressively as you did it long ago! It earns great respect. What is your secret for such a vim?

Actually, there’s no special secret; we just play the way we like it. And aside of this fact, we’ve never been very good “musicians”, so I would say, that we’re unable to play different stuff. If you create such noise over two decades, it is just in your veins. We simply like the high energy, connected with sophisticated contents.

It was a curious thing to see a post with the bands that had an impact on you. What about new collectives? What do you think are some of the best modern bands, which play oldschool music with sledge sound?

We are old fellows, and so we’re mainly influenced by the stuff from the late 70’s and the early 80’s. Nevertheless, we’re still interested in current stuff, though 30 years ago, everything was more straightforward. Active bands from nowadays, which I spontaneously would recommend are: EXTORTION, SATANIC MALFUNCTIONS, TO THE POINT, CORROSIVE, PICK YOUR SIDE, BACKSLIDER, SEX PRISONER, TRIAC, FULL OF HELL, 4-LOM, DESPISE YOU, ACTIVE MINDS, SUFFERING MIND, WEEKEND NACHOS, THE AFTERNOON GENTLEMEN, etc. The list is endless.

For the final, provide us with travel information about Germany, please. Where is the best place to partake of delicious sausages and beer?

Haha, I definitely would recommend the Southern area of Germany. Bavaria and Swabia are the places to be, if you would ask me. Especially in the beautiful villages, enclosed between the mountains, people got a more traditional consciousness. So there’s no fast food culture, everything’s laid-back, and the food is natural.

Thank you for your reply. Long live Yacopsae!

Thank YOU for your support, and good luck with the zine!

For more info: Yacoepsae fb   Yacoepsae site  Yacoepsae bandcamp