Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Cavernicular - S/T (Rodel records)

Band - Cavernicular / Location - Italy / Release date - March 2017. Yes, yes, yes it`s another good debut release! This self titled EP was released last year in the end of the fall (in old and nice tape format) but only in the beginning of spring (2017) guys finally got a vinyl version (which was made by ancient german label Rodel rec). And now lets look closely on this black release... hm... a skull hm... nice picture, good artwork but it`s pretty usual cover for the grindcore bands, nothing realy spesial (but it still great) so lets check what we have inside... And we have heavy-fast 14 songs and more than 14 minutes of noise... First song, second one, then more... really good stuff. Despite the fact that is a new band and they are part of fresh wave of grind bands, I feel good punk spirit in these noises (and for a grindcore it's a main thing in my opinion). But also I feel here good balance between grindcore and powerviolence. From the first we have here smashing speed and blast beats from pv side we have a sound, yelling hardcore vocal and deep swing pieces which will make you run into mosh pit. So with this small EP Italians shows to us that they can make pretty strong and violent noises.

Rating: 8/10 Cavernicular bc Cavernicular fb

You can buy this vynil HERE!