Friday, October 2, 2015

Meth Leppard – Demo (Bloody Scythe Records)

It’s always interesting to do a review on band’s first demo. It’s really cool to watch how the band starts and what it sounds like at the beginning. 
So today we’ll be visiting unique country where the number of grindcore bands is almost equal to white sharks population, hehe) Brand new band Meth Leppard is finally comes up with a demo! But don’t let yourself be fooled because the band is a new one, guys there are one hell of a veterans on grind/punk/metal scene! That’s why I’m not going easy on this demo, hehe) And yes, I should note that soon it’s coming on tapes, just like the old times. But for now we can enjoy self-released CD-R, although I would like a tape for myself)
So, let’s start with the contents of this demo, 5 original tracks and 1 cover on Napalm Death (song – Siege Of Power). These 5 songs sound pretty mature and solid. Great guitar sound that drills your brain, nailing down vocals and the drummer who blastbeats like it’s the last blastbeats in his life – these are the factors that made this demo so good. Also I like the overall sound of the demo, no plastic and polished sound like many bands nowadays like to do, here we have a sound raw enough to be enjoyable. 
It’s obvious that these guys like American grindcore scene and you can hear how they were inspired by Phobia and Insect Warfare. Overall, this demo is a blast, and it ain’t no surprise when it comes down to grindcore from Australia!

Rating: 8/10         Meth Leppard fb      Bloody Scythe Records