When I just learnt about these canadian raw flesh eaters and beer grandmasters are writing their first full-length album in the studio, I had to prepare my body and mind. I have seriously waited for this for a long long time. These two tracks uploaded on GOD bandcamp were listened for hundreds of times. Full-length album is always a huge gap in every band's history. So I was waiting Body Horror to come out. I heard Roby (Blastasfuk) had some difficulties releasing this one, rumors about pressing plant were spreading: they tried to load Roby with fake cd's. I really have no idea what happened there, but thank G.O.D. these cds saw the light of the day! Music is solid as hell, you can hear how band is developed through years! 23 onslaughts would bash the last nails into your coffin and the last nail is a CSSO cover! 30 minutes of infernal craziness! Sound production is kinda "lively" and solid at the same time! I would like to point out: different vocals, fat guitar riffs with hc touch and drumming style which reminds me of Idiots Parade guy! The cover art is insane... Holy jesus on a stick, Pierre/Braindead Zine knows what he is doing! Every time i look at his masterpieces, I have a boner! This cover art is dedicated to "The Thing" motion picture. My goodness, how detailed this cover is! Everytime I look on it, I find a new monster....
Total: 9/10 G.O.D. fb Blastasfuk