Sometimes music should brew like a good wine, it helps to get a higher quality, but sometimes it can spoil everything. You might think what the hell is this guy talking about? Well, the deal is, the album from Malaysian cowboys we're looking at right now was recorded a long time ago, these 18 songs waited for a whole 4 years to be released. And the one who took the responsibility of releasing this album is none other than Grindfather prod. And it turned out great! The digipack sure does look cool! Compilation of photographs, old style, black/white, and silver band logo. Everything looks pleasing to an eye, and the only thing that I found questionable is small font size on lyrics and info, but it's not too much of a shortcoming.
Sometimes you want easy-listening music so you sit and enjoy some classical or funk. But sometimes you want something angry and rough. And this is where Ruined Society might come in handy. Relentless, straightforward and in-your-face grindcore as it needs to be! Aggressive and concise songs will remind you about your primal rage. You would definitely want to crush, kill and destroy (high-five to those who immediately remembered Spazz) everything in your sight! It's hard to say more about this album, but I should also note that this album is perfect to listen to when you're angry as fuck, then you'll feel what Compulsion To Kill was trying to express.
Rating: 8/10 CxTxK fb Grindfather prod